Xpedition Glory aims to inspire people all over the world to live for God.
Our dream is to ask one thousand people about their God story. This has already lead to many wonderful videos which you can watch on Facebook, YouTube and this website. We film these stories during film projects (‘xpeditions‘) all over the world and we prefer to work together with churches and organisations.
We have media professionals and volunteers working on our team who invest their time, effort and talents.
Do you want to discover more about the God talked about in these stories? We would love to help you in your journey. Mail us or get in touch with our friends from peacewithgod.net.
Are you excited about these videos? Share them via social media? Or start an xpedition group and invite your friends to watch with you. Do you have a story for our website that you want to tell? We are interested! Mail us your story at stories@xpeditionglory.com or fill in the online form.