

A life beyond imagination

Following the call on his life, Rick has seen God work in wonderful ways in his life.

Golden necklace returned

Terri lost her new and precious golden chain and looked everywhere for it. After she prayed for help, God returned it to her!

Abundant life

Ruth is still going strong at 99 years old. What difference has God made in her life?

A rocky encounter

Reinier faced a huge challenge while rock climbing with a friend. It taught him a huge lesson about trusting God.

A caring Father

“I saw God as a distant Father who wants you to follow his commands.”

Too good to be true?

Andrew was sceptical when he first heard about God as a good Father.

You are not alone

A random act of kindness and a book by C.S. Lewis directed Daniel to Jesus.

Free from porn

Menzo has beaten his porn addiction by making a radical decision.

Final answer Dennis?

For nearly forty years Dennis has a burning desire to know what life is about.

Martijn chose Jesus above satanisme

Martijn is attracted to satanism as a teenager and experiments with drugs and alcohol.

“God listened to me”

Maurits cried out to God: “My life was like a swamp, I just had to get out.”

“Something was missing”

One day Wesley walks passed a church building and feels a strong desire to go in.