

Abundant life

Ruth is still going strong at 99 years old. What difference has God made in her life?

“God is my Father”

During a christian conference, Stephan has a life-changing experience with the love of God the Father.

Darkness in lockdown

Ali went through a dark period during lockdown. One day, God gave her important insight.

Marc: I am a friend of God

Marc gets a big smile on his face when he talks about God.

I stopped hating

Michiel hated his life as white missionary kid in Taiwan.

Facing the future without fear

Sylvia fears the future and gets addicted to tarot- and angel cards.

Faith despite questions

Linda and Jan Pieter have serious, painful questions, but still follow Jesus. Why?

“I love my life with God”

Piet loves life, despite pains and niggles that come with age.

Longing for South-Africa

Lize found out the best place to be is where God wants you to be.

“I have blossomed”

Internet entrepreneur Angelique says God is the secret behind her huge success.