

God-inspired business idea

Rawle: “It was like a download of an idea, we just knew what to do and how to do it.”

“We gave our car away”

Jonathan and April gave their car away: “God asked us to give, and He gave us twice as much back.”

Above and beyond

A massive debt challenges Stephan’s faith.

What happened to Jacob?

Money is not on his mind anymore.

Credit card help

Extraordinary things happened after Sergio prayed for help.

God showed up when we were broke

Avril tells about day-to-day miracles during a long period of financial struggles.

A new job for Rob

After losing his job, Rob’s wife believes God is going to take care of it.

A dream come true

Rebecca had an amazing dream which then came true.

God showed up when we were broke

“Our life has not been dull,” says Avril Game when she speaks about the difficulty of dealing with a lack of money.