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Chased: Sophia’s story
Her angry ex-husband was not the only one who chased Sophia. “I believe Jesus chased after me.”
A caring Father
“I saw God as a distant Father who wants you to follow his commands.”
“God is my Father”
During a christian conference, Stephan has a life-changing experience with the love of God the Father.
The voice that changed the life of this radio-host
Anna: “I thought God did not want to know me.”
Ex-Rasta: “God changed my life”
In most of his reggae songs, Israel thanks God for changing his life.
No more bitterness
Shirley asked God to help her get rid of the bitterness in her heart.
“God loves my ex-wife”
Dik: “God showed me a different way to look at my ex-wife”
The enemy in my head
For years Annette struggles with her self-esteem.