What happened to Jacob?

6 October 2017

Money is not on his mind anymore.

Dream nearly went up in smoke

29 September 2017

How did Adriaan beat his cannabis addiction?

“God wants to speak”

22 July 2017

Andrew was in a meeting when God told him what would happen that day.

Love meets anger

22 July 2017

Didi asked an angry homeless lady if she wanted to get rid of her anger.

She said: “I like your God”

10 July 2017

Sophia: loving people on streets of London after terror attack.

Talking to strangers

28 June 2017

It’s quiet normal for Pia to tell strangers how much God loves them.

New projects in 2025

Are you a leader of a christian organisation and do you get excited when you watch video testimonies? Well, read on.

Trusting for a house

With only one day to go and the moving van ready to go, Reinier and his family decided to trust God. 

“God said: start a company”

Hester felt a call from God to start a business. “He wants me to shine for his glory”

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A world-wide search for one thousand personal God stories