Marc: I am a friend of God
Marc gets a big smile on his face when he talks about God.
No testimony without the test
Barbara and Steve experienced God when their little boy nearly died.
Gods hand?
Caleb gives taxi-driver in Oman surprise of his life.
Tim saw miracle on streets of Nijkerk
Lady able to move arm and hand again.
Shopping for jeans – Jesus style
Erika and her friends prayed for a shop assistant with an amazing result.
Peter felt urge to stop for a stranger
Why did Peter feel such a urge to offer stranger a ride?
New projects in 2025
Are you a leader of a christian organisation and do you get excited when you watch video testimonies? Well, read on.
Trusting for a house
With only one day to go and the moving van ready to go, Reinier and his family decided to trust God.
“God said: start a company”
Hester felt a call from God to start a business. “He wants me to shine for his glory”
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Do you have a personal testimony about a periode or moment you experienced Gods love in action?
Write us your story and we'll get in touch.