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Michiel: “I stopped hating myself”
Michiel says he is one of the most secure people around, but he was very unhappy growing up as a white missionary kid in Taiwan.
God showed up when we were broke
“Our life has not been dull,” says Avril Game when she speaks about the difficulty of dealing with a lack of money.
God out of the shadows
[ba-youtubeflex videoid=”F7geXzWL5t4″] Since being diagnosed with cancer, Tim has a…
Trusting for a house
With only one day to go and the moving van ready to go, Reinier and his family decided to trust God.
“God said: start a company”
Hester felt a call from God to start a business. “He wants me to shine for his glory”
A life beyond imagination
Following the call on his life, Rick has seen God work in wonderful ways in his life.
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