Miraculous end to five years of back pain

24 November 2018

A prayer from an old friend changed Rob’s life.

Her prayer brought unborn baby back to life

27 October 2018

Wendy was a sceptic when it came to healing stories.

Wrong word, right outcome

17 August 2018

Toby saw God at work in a shopping mall.

Above and beyond

28 July 2018

A massive debt challenges Stephan’s faith.

“I can hear well again”

27 June 2018

Sanne has been healed of a life-long hearing problem.

An ultimatum for God

12 May 2018

Grace told God: “You need to show up, or else..”

New projects in 2025

Are you a leader of a christian organisation and do you get excited when you watch video testimonies? Well, read on.

Trusting for a house

With only one day to go and the moving van ready to go, Reinier and his family decided to trust God. 

“God said: start a company”

Hester felt a call from God to start a business. “He wants me to shine for his glory”

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A world-wide search for one thousand personal God stories