

From criminal to saint

Ex-criminal and former drug addict Tony grew up in a violent family.

Confidence for interview

When Solomon saw a good job advertised he decided it was time to pray.

Making an impact at work

Watch how God inspired Rachel in taking new steps in her career.

Miraculous end to five years of back pain

A prayer from an old friend changed Rob’s life.

Church or Medicine?

Steve wasn’t sure if God wanted him to work in…

Her prayer brought unborn baby back to life

Wendy was a sceptic when it came to healing stories.

Wrong word, right outcome

Toby saw God at work in a shopping mall.

Above and beyond

A massive debt challenges Stephan’s faith.

“I can hear well again”

Sanne has been healed of a life-long hearing problem.

An ultimatum for God

Grace told God: “You need to show up, or else..”

A brand new Brandon

An encounter with God made an end to depression.

Like a brick

A quote by a preacher in Paris made a huge difference for Elise.

Mind-blowing recovery

A miraculous recovery of a boy with serious brain damage.

Amazing answer to prayer

Team prayed for $2300 for team member to go on mission trip.

Hope after miscarriage

Abby’s first pregnancy ended in miscarriage.

Family conflict resolved for good

Father received insights for healing of sons with autism.

What happened to Jacob?

Money is not on his mind anymore.

Dream nearly went up in smoke

How did Adriaan beat his cannabis addiction?

“God wants to speak”

Andrew was in a meeting when God told him what would happen that day.

Love meets anger

Didi asked an angry homeless lady if she wanted to get rid of her anger.