

She said: “I like your God”

Sophia: loving people on streets of London after terror attack.

Talking to strangers

It’s quiet normal for Pia to tell strangers how much God loves them.

Marc: I am a friend of God

Marc gets a big smile on his face when he talks about God.

No testimony without the test

Barbara and Steve experienced God when their little boy nearly died.

Gods hand?

Caleb gives taxi-driver in Oman surprise of his life.

Tim saw miracle on streets of Nijkerk

Lady able to move arm and hand again.

Shopping for jeans – Jesus style

Erika and her friends prayed for a shop assistant with an amazing result.

Peter felt urge to stop for a stranger

Why did Peter feel such a urge to offer stranger a ride?

‘I felt so loved’

Aishah grew up with the Koran but now reads the Bible.

Entrepreneur gets ideas and solutions from God

Successful entrepreneur Peter Irvine Successful is always asking God for ideas and connections.

I was a crazy kid

Candace had a horrific childhood suffering sexual abuse and torture.

Desperate prayer after tragedy

“I was convinced he would come back to life”

The voice that changed the life of this radio-host

Anna: “I thought God did not want to know me.”

Bang! First crushed by a car and then hit by God

Terri Kruschke got seriously hurt in a car accident.

“To my surprise, people were getting healed”

Maria has seen friends healed of arthritis and skin-disease.

No need for hearing aid

Hearing loss gone after Nathan got prayed for at camp

Searching for real love

After a series of broken relationships Iveta turns to religion.

Credit card help

Extraordinary things happened after Sergio prayed for help.

Miracle boy with Down

The doctor called her son with Down syndrome a ‘miracle’

Even better than the rush of catching fish

For a long time fishing was everything for Willem. But he has found something even better than the rush of catching fish.