

A cold miracle

A broken fridge en no money: Reinie knows what to ask God for.

“God listened to me”

Maurits cried out to God: “My life was like a swamp, I just had to get out.”

The world best internship

Michiel decided to trust God in getting the best internship in the world.

“Something was missing”

One day Wesley walks passed a church building and feels a strong desire to go in.

Ex-gambler: “I am rich”

Eighteen years long Joey Systermans was addicted to gambling.

“I have blossomed”

Internet entrepreneur Angelique says God is the secret behind her huge success.

Musculair disease healed

Remco: “The neurologist called it a miracle”

Jack: ‘I wasn’t even looking for God’

Jack was not looking for God but found him anyway.

Michiel: “I stopped hating myself”

Michiel says he is one of the most secure people around, but he was very unhappy growing up as a white missionary kid in Taiwan.

God showed up when we were broke

“Our life has not been dull,” says Avril Game when she speaks about the difficulty of dealing with a lack of money.

God out of the shadows

[ba-youtubeflex videoid=”F7geXzWL5t4″] Since being diagnosed with cancer, Tim has a…