Miracle money

7 December 2023

Adonna, missionary in Bulgaria, has received multiple financial miracles after prayer.

“God is my Father”

2 December 2023

During a christian conference, Stephan has a life-changing experience with the love of God the Father.

“I wanted to hide”

26 March 2023

During the most challenging time of his life, Paul encounters Jesus in his garden.

Healing: arthritis and cancer

19 March 2023

When God miraculously healed him, Mike decided to write a book on healing…by hand!

Too good to be true?

12 March 2023

Andrew was sceptical when he first heard about God as a good Father.

Darkness in lockdown

4 March 2023

Ali went through a dark period during lockdown. One day, God gave her important insight.

“I was just very confused”

As a young adult, Leanne wanted to change her gender. “But…I knew this was not what God wanted.”

Abundant life

Ruth is still going strong at 99 years old. What difference has God made in her life?

God-inspired business idea

Rawle: “It was like a download of an idea, we just knew what to do and how to do it.”

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